Kamis, 29 November 2012

pengertian konvergensi teknologi

Pengertian  Konvergensi Teknologi

Konvergensi Teknologi  adalah  suatu  penggabungan  dua buah hal berbeda yang berbau media-media  teknologi informasi dan komunikasi yang  sudah  ada  untuk  digunakan  dan  diarahkan  kedalam  satu  tujuan yang  mengarah  pada  penciptaan  produk-produk  yang  aplikatif  yang  mampu melakukan  fungsi  audiovisual  sekaligus  komputasi.

Maka  tidak  heran  jika  sekarang  ini komputer  dapat  difungsikan  sebagai  pesawat  televisi,  atau  telepon  genggam  dapat menerima  suara, tulisan, data  maupun gambar tiga dimensi. Itu  hanya  sedikit  dari  contoh nyata,  bahwa  semua  aspek  kehidupan, tanpa terasa tengah menggiring kita menuju ke platform  yang  satu  yaitu  platform  digital. dengan  kemampuan  multimedia  telah merasuk  dalam  kehidupan berkomunikasi, bekerja, berkreasi  maupun mendapatkan informasi dan hiburan, dari manapun  tanpa  dibatasi  lagi  oleh  ruang  dan  waktu.

Contoh-contoh konvergensi media

  • Fixed Mobile Convergence (FMC)
Komunikasi  seamless ( tanpa batas )  membutuhkan  solusi jaringan kabel dan nirkabel   ter-integrasi.  Dengan  FMC, keterbatasan  akses  bermacam  jaringan bisa diatasi  tanpa masalah.  FMC  memungkinkan layanan  lintas  jaringan  bisa terjadi. 
Fixed-mobile convergence (FMC) is a change in telecommunications that removes differences between fixed and mobile networks.
In the 2004 press release announcing its formation, the Fixed Mobile Convergence Alliance said:
Fixed Mobile Convergence is a transition point in the telecommunications industry that will finally remove the distinctions between fixed and mobile networks, providing a superior experience to customers by creating seamless services using a combination of fixed broadband and local access wireless technologies to meet their needs in homes, offices, other buildings and on the go.
In this definition “fixed broadband” means a connection to the Internet, like DSL, cable or T1. “Local access wireless” means Wi-Fi or something like it. BT’s initial FMC service used Bluetooth rather than Wi-Fi for the local access wireless. The advent of picocells and femtocells means that local access wireless can be cellular radio technology.
The term “seamless services” in the quotation above is ambiguous. When talking about FMC, the word “seamless” usually refers to “seamless handover,” which means that a call in progress can move from the mobile (cellular) network to the fixed network on the same phone without interruption, as described in one of the FMCA specification documents:
Seamless is defined as there being no perceptible break in voice or data transmission due to handover (from the calling party or the called party”s perspective).[
The term “seamless services” sometimes means service equivalence across any termination point, fixed or mobile, so for example, dialing plans are identical and no change in dialed digits is needed on a desk phone versus a mobile. A less ambiguous term for this might be “network agnostic services.”
The FMCA is a carrier organization, mainly oriented to consumer services. Enterprise phone systems are different. When Avaya announced its “Fixed Mobile Convergence” initiative in 2005, it was using a different definition. What Avaya and other PBX manufacturers were calling FMC was the ability for a PBX to treat a cell phone as an extension, and the ability for a cell phone to behave like a PBX extension phone:
Extension to Cellular technology: software seamlessly bridges office phone services to mobile devices, permitting the use of just one phone number and one voice mailbox. Client software extends the capabilities of the PBX to a mobile smartphone, creating a virtual desk extension. This software runs on Nokia Series 60 phones and works in conjunction with Extension to Cellular.

Dampak  Konvergensi Teknologi
Dampak  konvergensi  teknologi  bagi  masyarakat  Indonesia  maupun  pemerintah  masih belum  terlihat  secara  jelas. Hal  ini  mungkin  disebabkan  oleh  belum  termanfaatkannya teknologi  konvergensi  secara  optimal.  Disisi  pemerintah  hanya  terlihat  adanya  usaha yang  mengarah  kepada  pemahaman  serta  tindakan  antisipasi terhadap konvergensi teknologi, seperti  adanya  survey untuk  konvergensi teknologi, seperti adanya survey untuk melihat layanan-layanan yang bisa diberikan oleh konvergensi  teknologi. Sedangkan masyarakat  Indonesia  secara  umum  masih  belum  memahami  teknologi  konvergensi  dan hanya  memanfaatkan  layanan-layanan  yang  tersedia  (yang disediakan oleh providernya).

sumber  :   www.google.com

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